The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Jackport Killer By @KneelDowne Review

The Jackport Killer
By Kneel Downe

The new book by Twitter author, well he is more than a Twitter author now, has been out for a month or two now and I have finally gotten around to reading it.  While recovering from knee surgery I was able to sit down, didn’t have much choice in that, and give The Jackport Killer my undivided attention.

The Jackport Killer takes place before the events of the previous three books and as the description says this is one story of many for Detective Lobo.  For those that do not know Detective Kurt Lobo is a wolf splice.  What does that mean? It means the main character and the hero of this story is a man that has the characteristics of a wolf and looks like a wolf in every sense of the way.  This story is about a serial killer that is leaving bodies at random places that are ritualistic and are a sure message for Lobo.  In fact this case will become extremely personal to Lobo as this killer has returned from the Detectives past.

This is the fourth book published by Kneel Downe and so far I have enjoyed the previous three.  Unlike the previous books  which were weird and full of strange goodness The Jackport Killer is a traditional serial killer/mystery story that takes its cue from past noir stories.  What makes this story thrilling is the way you are approaching events from Detective Lobo’s perspective. So when he is investigating a dead body you and Lobo are experiencing it together for the first time.  I really liked this aspect of storytelling and it really worked well as it added a certain element that you do not get in typical mystery books.

The Jackport Killer does have the trademark Twitter storytelling style to it which is part of the charm of Kneels books as he gets to the point quicker and does not bore you with fluff and filler.  What is different from his other books is while the other three are pure science fiction The Jackport Killer is a crime story mixed in with science fiction.  It reminded me a little bit of Blade Runner in a way.  It did.  I could visualize the rainy, neon lights and huge video screens in my head of the city they were in.  It did have that type of feel to it and was a big reason for me in liking The Jackport Killer along with the creepy part midway into the book where Lobo visits The Asylum and has a conversation with Dark Deliverance.    Best part of the book in my opinion and very creepy.  Hope we get to see more interaction and more into their history.

The Jackport Killer is a really good crime/mystery book that doesn’t require much thinking but does require the time to enjoy what is going on and the web of mystery that Kneel is spinning. You’ll also be surprised at the ending and how Lobo discovers how the killer does it and what punishment awaits The Jackport Killer. Kneel has written a really good story and I look forward to reading more about Detective Lobo and the time before the Fractures happened.  If you have been hesitant about buying any of Kneels books I suggest you try The Jackport Killer as it is so far my favorite book in the series. 
Grade A+

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