The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Thunderbirds Co-Creator Sylvia Anderson Working on New Project - The Last Station

Sylvia Anderson, co-producer for many TV shows such as UFO, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, Stingray, Space: 1999 and Fireball Xl5 is starting a crowd-funding for her new project, The Last Station.  The project will depend on resources raised at this site -

The Plot -

Various species have evolved over time to understand sound in different ways. For the most part sound - music has always united us, connected us with species from other worlds, other civilizations.
But there are darker forces, the Spyrons who use sound to their sinister benefit, a vampire like species who feed off the creative energy which surrounds us all saying it is attached to the soul.
Having taken Mykron, the homeworld and center of music for the galaxy – the Mykronians and other species have made settlement on a delightful planet full of beaches, jungles and oceans – the Island of ‘Shikoba’.
It is here that we begin our story – the inhabitants have together rebuilt a centre for musical communication and rescue – ‘The Last Station’ in defiance of the shadow threat of the Spyrons.
Some have made it here already, like the Hakitans who are the higher guardians of music.  They work constantly at the HIC making and breaking music codes, to rescue the inhabitants of invaded planets and protect Shikoba from invasion.

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