The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Gerry Anderson's Firestorm Kickstarter - Still Some Time to Be Part of the Adventure!!

Jamie Anderson, Gerry's son, is spearheading a new project based on Gerry (Thunderbirds, UFO, Space: 1999) Anderson's concept created in 2002.  The idea of a team combating terrorists with high tech craft and weapons sounds like a perfect Anderson like project and this one will be done with miniatures, practical effects and puppets along the same vein as Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet.

The Kickstarter has reached its primary goal to produce a minisode and several stretch goals including funding for a new scene and a huge explosion.

The Kickstarter has raised over 65K pounds and is hoping to reach higher with more goals.

New pledge gifts include prototypes of actual prop weapons that will be used in the production. There are still some other gifts available from a copy on DVD or blu-ray to a real prop to your likeness being used for one of the puppets (anyone have some extra cash to send my why so I can do this?  Thanks)

The Kickstarter has only 10 days left but has already had over 1,000 supporters. Be part of the production or at least get some cool gifts.  The minisode will be made so your gifts are guaranteed.

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