The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Controversy Ignites in December's WILDFIRE‏

WILDFIRE is the new graphic novel from Image Comics/Top Cow exploring the politically charged topic of genetically modified food in a tense, thought-provoking thriller by Matt Hawkins (THINK TANK, APHRODITE IX) and Linda Sejic that leaves it to readers to make up their own minds about the controversy.

Ending hunger is the goal of genetic researchers at megacorporation Biogenesis like Dr. Beth Silva, but an accident during a media demonstration illustrates the unintended consequences that may result from experimenting on an organism’s DNA. Los Angeles is choked with rapidly growing plants, returning the city that is home to 3.8 million people to a state of nature. Dan Miller, a young scientist who worked on Dr. Silva’s project, must race against time to stop the growth, before L.A. is completely obliterated.

Artist Sejic, creator of the popular webcomic Blood Stain, imbues this story with science at its center with heart and humanity with her expressive characterizations while writer Hawkins, who is also the President of Top Cow, balances points of view with character development in writing a story that revolves around a controversial topic.

"When I started researching the polarizing reactions to GMO I quickly discovered that both ends of the argument were exaggerating and making specious claims," said Hawkins. "In writing Wildfire I attempted an even-handed approach to the material explaining both the pros and cons in the background of the character's stories without preaching at anyone."

The trade paperback also includes a “Science Class” feature, in which Hawkins, who has a Master’s degree in physics, lays out the science and debate around genetically modified organisms (GMO).

WILDFIRE will be in comic book stores on December 3 and in bookstores on December 16. It is available for pre-order now. Part two of WILDFIRE will launch in Fall 2015.

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