The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Friday, December 12, 2014

Doctor Who - Big Finish Special Main Range Anniversary Release

Big Finish will be celebrating another anniversary in 2015 with the 200th release of their Main Range of Doctor Who audio adventures.  To celebrate the milestone they will be having a special three part story that will feature three Doctor's with companions from previous incarnations.  The party kicks off in April and continues into June with releases 198,199 and 200.  This story is the idea of script editor Alan Barnes and this is his reasoning of this interesting story.

‘For some time, I'd been thinking it was a shame we couldn't make more use of the first three Doctors' companions in the Main Range. Continuity permitting (or even not!), we can always have the Fifth, Sixth or Seventh Doctors meeting up with friends they said 'goodbye' to years before... but there have been a fair few School Reunion-type stories now, and they're great, but I couldn't help wondering: can't we do something different? Then I thought: what if the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors turned up bang in the middle of earlier, unseen adventures – standing in for their 'proper' selves, who've gone AWOL for some reason or other...? Locum Doctors, if you will! ‘And that's what we've done!’
The first story is The Defectors written by Nicholas Briggs. It stars Sylvester McCoy with the Third Doctor’s companion Jo Grant and Richard Franklin  as Captain Mike Yates. The synopsis for this story is a different spin on the “base under siege” scenario, set on a remote island, but still involving lots of government and UNIT shenanigans.'

Then comes Last of the Cybermen written by Alan Barnes and stars Colin Baker with Frazer Hines and Wendy Padbury who are the Second Doctor's companions. The synopsis for this story finds the Sixth Doctor joining forces with Jamie and Zoe to explore a strange citadel that holds the secret of the Cybermen's ultimate destruction

The last story and the 200th release will be The Secret History written by Eddie Robson  Which stars Peter Davison, Peter Purves and Maureen O’Brien. The synopsis for the story is as follows.  The Fifth Doctor, trapped with Steven and Vicki in sixth century Constantinople, at last learns the reason why he's being dragged back into the lives of his former incarnations.

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