The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Doctor Who - Out Now!!! Dark Eyes 4 Synopsis,Cover Art and Trailer

The last part in the Dark Eyes saga is out now for download and it sees The Doctor going up against The Master yet again. This time the backdrop is Earth post World War One.  You can get the download now and order the CD set from the Big Finish Website

4.1 A Life in the Day by John Dorney

The Doctor and Liv return to post-World War One London, where the Doctor meets Kitty Donaldson (Beth Chalmers), and Liv strikes a friendship with her brother Martin (Barnaby Kay). But what mysterious force is hunting them?

4.2 The Monster of Montmartre by Matt Fitton

The Doctor and Liv’s investigations bring them to Paris, where a monster stalks the streets.

4.3 Master of the Daleks by John Dorney

The Master and the Dalek Time Controller have forged an alliance. History hangs in the balance, and this time the Doctor can’t help…

4.4 Eye of Darkness by Matt Fitton

It’s the endgame. Truths will be revealed, and a hero will make the ultimate sacrifice.

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