The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Doctor Who - Strax To Meet Jago and Litefoot

File this one under barf.  I'm not a fan a Strax from NuWho and really do not find him funny all that much anymore.  Plus I liked the Sontarans as the warlike race and not the pantomime character they have turned into.  With that said Big Finish now has the rights to audio adventures with the Strax character and the first outing is teaming him up with Jago and Litefoot.   You can get that two disc adventure from the Big Finish website.

Strax, the Sontaran butler to Victorian investigator Vastra and her wife Jenny, suffers a disorienting attack and mistakes the two Victorian investigators Jago & Litefoot for Jenny and Vastra and moves into Litefoot’s home. Together, they are on the trail of a creature that is stealing brains, which may or may not be linked to a haunted house in London...

To see other Big Finish adventures of Jago & Litefoot, visit here

Written By: Justin Richards
Directed By: Lisa Bowerman

Christopher Benjamin (Henry Gordon Jago), Trevor Baxter (Professor George Litefoot), Dan Starkey (Strax), Lisa Bowerman (Ellie), Conrad Asquith (Inspector Quick), Stephen Critchlow (Marvo)

Other parts played by the cast 

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