The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Monday, October 26, 2015

Doctor Who - Big Finish To Do 10th Doctor Audios With Tennant and Tate

Starting in May Big Finish will release audio adventures of the best Doctor and companion pairing of the new series.  That's right David Tennant and Catherine Tate will be reprising their roles from Series 4 of Doctor Who.  The Doctor and Donna will return in three audio adventures that sees the popular duo taking on evil aliens and once again saving the universe.  

This is great news as this was and still is my favorite Doctor and companion pairing of the new show and it will be great to see what the great writers from Big Finish will do with David Tennant's Doctor. If you are a fan of Big Finish and have heard how well they do stories of the Classic Doctor's you should feel excited because these stories might actually be better than the ones on TV.  You can pre order these thre stories individually or together in a special limited edition box set from the Big Finish website.

1.1 Technophobia

When the Doctor and Donna visit London’s Technology Museum for a glimpse into the future, things don’t go to plan.

The most brilliant IT brain in the country can’t use her computer. More worrying, the exhibits are attacking the visitors, while outside, people seem to be losing control of the technology that runs their lives.

Is it all down to simple human stupidity, or is something more sinister going on?

Beneath the streets, the Koggnossenti are waiting. For all of London to fall prey to technophobia...

Written By: Matt Fitton

David Tennant (The Doctor), Catherine Tate (Donna Noble), Niky Wardley (Bex), Rachael Stirling (Jill Meadows), Chook Sibtain (Brian), Rory Keenan (Kevin), Lukas (Jot Stevens)

1.2 Time Reaver

Calibris. The spaceport planet where anything goes. Where anyone who doesn't want to be found can be lost, and where everything has its price. Where betentacled gangster Gully holds sway at the smugglers’ tavern, Vagabond’s Reach.

The alien Vacintians are trying to impose some order on the chaos. Soon the Doctor and Donna discover why. An illegal weapon is loose on the streets. A weapon that destroys lives… Slowly and agonisingly.

The Time Reaver.

Written By: Jenny T Colgan

David Tennant (The Doctor), Catherine Tate (Donna Noble), Alex Lowe (Soren), Sabrina Bartlett (Cora), Terry Molloy (Rone), John Banks (Gully), Dan Starkey (Dorn)

1.3 Death and the Queen

Donna Noble has never been lucky in love.

So when, one day, her Prince does come, she is thrilled to have the wedding of all weddings to look forward to. Though the Doctor isn’t holding his breath for an invitation. And her future mother-in-law is certainly not amused.

But on the big day itself, Donna finds her castle under siege from the darkest of forces, marching at the head of a skeleton army.

When it looks like even the Doctor can’t save the day, what will Queen Donna do to save her people from Death itself?

Written By: James Goss

David Tennant (The Doctor), Catherine Tate (Donna Noble), Blake Ritson (Rudolph), Alice Krige (Queen Mum), Beth Chalmers (Hortense), Alan Cox (Death)

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