The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Friday, November 20, 2015

Doctor Who - Synopsis For The Other Woman

Out now for download only is a Third Doctor story narrated by Katy Manning.  This story featuring Jo Grant and UNIT sees the Doctor being charmed by a dimension jumping woman who might not be what she appears.  You can order this release from the Big Finish website.

UNIT is called in when an alien escape pod brings a woman to the Kent countryside. The Doctor offers to repair her stricken, dimension-hopping ship, seeing an opportunity to escape his exile. But while Callandra charms the Doctor and the other men of UNIT, Jo is less trusting. Are her suspicions well-founded or is there another green-eyed monster at work?

Producer Michael Stevens
Script Editor Michael Stevens
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs

Written By: Philip Lawrence
Directed By: Lisa Bowerman

Katy Manning (Narrator)

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