The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Saturday, December 26, 2015

SHADO News - The World's of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson - Soundtracks, UFO on Blu-ray and Thunderbirds 1965

December 2015

By Ken Parker

Three years ago today Gerry Anderson passed away. My love for Gerry's shows over the years helped shape, to a slight degree, the person I am today. I do not say that the influence was large but my interests and hobbies were certainly directed by Gerry and Sylvia's work. Gerry's death was a sadness that has ever been associated with a good friend of mines passing a short few weeks later. My friend, Dave was a fan of so many things including Gerry Anderson. Dave never met Gerry but I know he would have liked that. I feel that Dave did meet Gerry wherever they are now and Dave told Gerry about all the reasons people loved his shows.

Since Gerry's passing there has been a lot of effort in keeping his legacy alive with merchandise and revival's of some of his later work. In addition to blu-ray releases and a new Thunderbirds TV series, Gerry's son, Jamie has brought life to some of his father's unseen work. I feel confident in Gerry's legacy. I share with you my 2012 tribute video that I put together shortly after his passing.

Space: 1999 Season 2 Soundtrack - Fanderson has announced a new soundtrack release for Space: 1999 season 2. The music for this season was done by Derek Wadsworth and was a drastic change from the previous season. The music is different and to a degree a product of the 70's but nevertheless still enjoyable. Fanderson promises surprises as they remaster the soundtrack with no doubt lots of extras and possibly unreleased material.

No word on a release date.

Meanwhile Fanderson still has a lot of soundtracks that are available including a recent release for Captain Scarlet and Space: 1999 season 1 and Thunderbirds. These soundtracks are expensive and can only be purchased with a Fanderson membership, making them highly collectible and sought after but also pricey.

The CD set is not for pre-sale yet but other soundtracks are available.

Fanderson's Sweet Cigarette Card Books – Fanderson has come out with their thrid resource book featuring the sweet cigarette cards that were a staple of merchandise for many TV series in the 60's. These cards were available in the candy cigarette boxes that were popular so many years ago. Many of the series for Gerry Anderson had card sets including Supercar, Fireball Xl5, Stingray, , UFO and Space: 1999.

The books feature full resolution scans of the cards and info about the sets and are available through Fanderson.

UFO in HD! - Network is planning a Gerry Anderson's UFO. The 1969 TV series was produced by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson and was their first live action series after their puppet series. The series is often highly praised despite it's 60's styles and themes. The release is planned for the UK. No word on a US release yet.

Thunderbirds Are Go TV series – as the first season airs it's final episodes into 2016 the series has unrolled plenty of merchandise. In perfect Anderson flavor, lots of merchandise has flooded the UK shops just in time for Christmas. No word on a US release.
I will review all episodes up to date in our next article but I will make special mention to the December 26 aired episode “Designated Driver”. In it Lady Penelope is visited by her great Aunt Sylvia who is voiced by original Lady Penelope herself, the great Sylvia Anderson. This episode had some great nods toward the original including the original FAB car and some original music cues.

Rosamund Pike (Peneolope) and Sylvia Anderson record

Thunderbirds 1965 – The Kickstarter project that will put three vintage original audio adventures from the Thunderbirds TV series together with new footage is wrapping up production. Here is a recent update and video.

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