The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Blake's 7 Gareth Thomas Has Passed Away

Scifi fans especially those who are fans of the 1970's television show Blake's 7 will be saddened to know that Gareth Thomas who played Blake has passed away. He is best known for playing Blake and had returned to the role for Big Finish.  He has played in tons of shows and plays across the UK far to many to list here.  Besides Avon and Villa, Gareth as Blake really got the show going and made it truly memorable.  I really enjoyed his performance as Blake on TV and with Big Finish and will miss not hearing anything new from him.  He also was in a few of the Doctor Who audios for Big Finish with Paul McGann and Sylvester McCoy along with a role in the Dalek Empire Series.  To read a tribute that is far better than what I can do please follow the link below to the Big Finish tribute to Gareth Thomas.

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