The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Doctor Who Comic Previews and Covers For 11th Doctor Issue 8 and 4th Doctor Issue 2

Out this week we have two Doctor Who comic books.  The 11th Doctor issue 8 and the 4th Doctor issue 2 continue on with their respective stories and they both are pretty good.  As usual you can get these two comic books at your local comic book store.


Abslom confesses a Daak secret. Alice develops a bond. The Squire recovers a memory. And the Doctor discovers the horrific truth about how The Then and The Now has been tracking them - and he doesn't like it one bit. As the universe closes in around them, is escape even possible?

Writer: Si Spurrier
Artist: Warren Pleece
Colorist: Arianna Florean & Nicola Righi with Azzurra Righi
Publisher: Titan Comics
FC - 32PP - $3.99 - On Sale: April 20


After the petryifying reveal at the end of last issue, the Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith pry further into the affairs of Lady Emily Carstairs and her legion of Scryclops! What mysteries lurk within her half-veiled mansion? And what light can be shed by Professor Odysseus and his daughter, Athena?

Writer: Gordon Rennie and Emma Beeby
Artist: Brian Williamson
Colorist: Hi-Fi
Publisher: Titan Comics
FC - 32PP - $3.99 - On Sale: April 20

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