The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Doctor Who - Covers and Preview for 12th Doctor Issue 5

Out today is 12th Doctor issue 2.5.  We see The Doctor and Clara fighting the monsters once again. You can get this comic book today at your local comic book shop.

It's the long-awaited return of a deadly foe, as the Doctor and Clara face a monster that will have you checking your stack of comics for suspicious movement! Dare you continue reading, when every page turn could bring you into MORTAL DANGER?! You have to – you're the Doctor's only hope!

Writer: Robbie Morrison
Artist: Rachael Stott
Colorist: Ivan Nunes
Letterer: Comicraft
FC - 32PP - $3.99 - On Sale: May 11

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