The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Doctor Who Comic Book Previews and Covers For January 18th

Out today is the 9th Doctor issue nine with the start of a new story and a good jumping on point for new readers.  You can get this comic book at your local comic book store or where ever you buy your comic books.

Writer: Cavan Scott
Artist:  Adriana Melo
FC - 32pp - $3.99 - On sale: January 18

The Ninth Doctor, Rose, and Jack head to Brazil on the next stop of their transtemporal mystery tour. The Iara have long been thought a Brazilian myth, but when these unearthly mercreatures prove to be aquatic aliens making an unscheduled stop on planet Earth, the TARDIS team must establish their intentions and broker peace across the water barrier...!

Cover A: Chris Bolson
Cover B: Will Brooks Photo
Cover C: Matt Baxter

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