The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Details for Doctor Who "Flashpoint"

This months download only adventure features a story with the 8th Doctor narrated by Sheridan Smith who played Lucie Miller during a great run of stories during the 8th Doctor Big Finish era. You can order this download only story from the Big Finish website.

Cerberin: the famous storm world. Seen from space, it’s a spectacle of light and colour that draws tourists in their thousands.

Escaping an attack by gangster assassins, and separated from the Doctor, Lucie Miller finds herself stranded on the surface. The killers are in pursuit, she has a child to protect, and lightning is striking all around.

Then a shape approaches through the storm, moving with heavy footsteps...

Producer Ian Atkins
Script Editors Ian Atkins & Nicholas Briggs
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs

Written By: Andrew Smith
Directed By: Lisa Bowerman

Sheridan Smith (Narrator)

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