The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Doctor Who Comic Book Releases for January 10th

Out today is the last issue of series three of the 11th Doctor comic book series.  This issue wraps up a year long story line and I'm sure will leave seeds for the next series for the 11th Doctor.  You can but this comic book at your local comic book store.

​Writers: Alex Paknad​el & Rob Williams
Artists: JB Bastos & Luiz Campello 
Publisher: Titan Comics
FC -​ ​$3.99 - On sale: ​January 10, 2018

The third year of the Eleventh Doctor comes to a fiery conclusion!

Can the Sapling escape its destiny?

Will the Scream be remembered? Will Alice make it out alive?

​Cover A: Blair Shedd
Cover B: Photo ​

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