The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Friday, February 2, 2018

Details for Doctor Who Short Trips: Mel - evolent

Out this month from Big Finish's download only line is a 6th Doctor adventure narrated by Bonnie Langford who played Mel during the Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy era.  This story is unique as it takes place in the TARDIS.  You can order this download only release from the Big Finish website.

Mirror mirror on the wall, something stalks the TARDIS halls...

A glimpsed reflection in a dark and dusty corner leads Mel on a journey Through The Looking Glass.

Witchcraft and shadows reign.

Mel must face the evil at the heart of it all, while the Doctor battles to save a TARDIS determined to prove it’s not only bigger on the inside, but darker. Much darker.

Producer Ian Atkins
Script Editor Ian Atkins
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs

Written By: Simon A Forward
Directed By: Helen Goldwyn

Bonnie Langford (Narrator)

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