The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Friday, September 2, 2011

'That's 1 small cheese for man, 1 large pepperoni for mankind:' Domino's unveils plans for store on moon

Where no fast food has gone before.
What will moon-dwelling astronauts do when they get the late-night munchies? Well, they could call Domino's for a local delivery.

The Daily Telegraph reports that the Japanese arm of the international restaurant chain has come up with a plan for spending $21.73 billion for constructing a two-story dome on the moon. Staff would have to live on the premises - for minimum wage? - and pizzas would be made in the basement, the site reports.

Domino's spokesman Tomohide Matsunaga said:

"We started thinking about this project last year, although we have not yet determined when the restaurant might open ... 
"In the future, we anticipate there will be many people living on the moon, astronauts who are working there and, in the future, citizens of the moon."
Obviously, it's all a publicity stunt. As the Daily Telegraph points out, Pizza Hut scored public relations points in 2001 by delivering a pizza to astronauts in the International Space Station.

Just a thought: Wouldn't Domino's and its customers be better served by spending all this money on making better pizza?

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