The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Friday, September 2, 2011

More evidence that _______ will be featured in 'The Avengers' movie

We hope The Avengers are better at keeping secrets than Hollywood.
The worst secret in comic book movies is almost common knowledge.

Rumors of who will challenge "The Avengers" have been circulating for months. Everyone already knows that Loki, Thor's half-brother, will play a key role. During recent filming in Cleveland, battle scenes featured extras wearing motion-capture suits, signaling that additional CGI creatures will make their presence known in special effects post-production.

Just a day ago, we joined the rumor mill by posting a story about actress Cobie Smulders, who will play SHIELD agent Maria Hill in the film. Turns out it may be a double-role.

The latest news comes courtesy of a canceled video game previously linked to the movie. SPOILER AFTER JUMP - YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!

In short, even though the game has been canceled, work was well under way and images from the game have been leaked onto the Internet. For example:

"Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead" - sorry, Skrull.
 According to the ScreenRant website, one of many to report on the video game:
Most likely, the images confirm that Loki's "army" will actually be comprised of an invading Skrull force but, until we hear official confirmation, it’s still impossible to say for sure. Video game tie-ins often include comic-book favorite boss characters that do not appear in the film (such as Scorpion in Spider-Man: The Movie or Ulik in Thor: God of Thunder) – however, the fact that the Skrulls are so prominently featured in the early-stage development of the game definitely indicates that they were going to be a major focus in the title.

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