The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It's Coming Revealed! It's Avengers VS X -Men. Really Marvel, Really!

File this one under pretty stupid and lame and dumb and why?  Marvel Comics big event for 2012 is Avengers VS X - Men.  Really. I know there are some decent writers on that advert but come on.  USA Today broke the story today about what has been teased this fall as It's Coming.  Well now it's here and so far I'm not really impressed.  I think Marvel could do with a makeover also just like DC and make there books relevant again.  Marvel just seems to disappoint with their year long events just look at Fear Itself and Civil War and that Skrull Crap that happen a few years ago.  So here we go again Marvel how are we going to be disappointed this time.

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