The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Monster Black Holes Found

Some more real scientific news here as these gigantic Black Holes have been discovered. They are 10 billion times the mass of the sun and are 300 million light years away.

To find out what Black Holes are, lets look at the wealth of information in Science Fiction.

Shows and movies such as Event Horizon, Stargate SG-1, Andromeda and Supernova have all had Black Holes woven into their plots.  At times the Black Hole is a gateway to another Universe and other times it just crushes you.  It is interesting to see the different takes on the Black Hole.

In Doctor Who the Black Hole is well known for being the power source for the Timelords,
 thanks to some sacrificing by some guy called Omega.

In Andromeda, Dylan Hunt and his ship, the Andromeda, are frozen in a Black Hole for  303 years

One of my favorite depictions of a Black Hole is the Space: 1999 episode, The Black Sun.  Yeah, I know, but that is what they called it.  Anyway the beautiful imagery is displayed in all its deadly power but somehow the rogue moon survives the trip through the Black Sun, helped by a mysterious unknown force, God if you like.

I guess any discussion of Black Holes in movies and TV would have to include the movie Black Hole.  This often forgotten about movie really dealt with the Black Hole in an exciting way.

One of my favorite Doctor Who episodes, The Impossible Planet, has the Doctor and Rose trapped on an asteroid right near a Black Hole.  The tension in this two parter is rarely matched by the show before or since. Hats off the to director for composing this camera angle!!

Stargate SG-1 had a few Black Holes but I can't really discuss  it because I don't have clearance,
plus I never watched too many episodes.

Star Trek (2009) sees a Black Hole formed creating all kinds of issues including changing history
 and hence re-launching the franchise.

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