Launches with Live Pre-Show and Post-Show Hosted by Chris Hardwick on BBC
AMERICA on August 23
Midnight Theatrical Events in 12 Cities on August 23
Events in Over 550 Theaters Across the U.S. on August 25
New York – July 31, 2014 – It’s a new beginning for the
iconic series that explores all of space and time, as award-winning actor Peter
Capaldi takes on the role of the mysterious time traveler, the Doctor. BBC
AMERICA will launch Peter Capaldi’s first season of Doctor Who with
special programming on the channel and theatrical events across the country
with Fathom Events. The new season of Doctor Who premieres
Saturday, August 23, 8:00pm ET on BBC AMERICA. (Trailer,
Announced today, comedian and Doctor Who superfan
Chris Hardwick will host Doctor Who: Live Pre-Show at
7:30pm ET and Doctor Who: After Who Live at 11:00pm ET
following the premiere of Intruders on August 23. The pre-show and
post-show will feature an array of guests in the studio including writer and
actor Mark Gatiss along with exclusive behind-the-scenes footage.
Doctor Who’s feature-length season premiere episode, Deep Breath,
is a pulse-racing adventure through Victorian London. Directed by Ben Wheatley
and written by Steven Moffat, the episode stars Peter Capaldi as the Doctor,
Jenna Coleman as his companion Clara Oswald, Neve McIntosh as Madame Vastra,
Catrin Stewart as Jenny Flint and Dan Starkey as Strax.
In the lead up
to Doctor Who’s new season, BBC AMERICA will premiere a series of
specials including Doctor Who: The Ultimate Companion on
Saturday, August 16, 9:00pm ET followed by The Real History of Science
Fiction: Time at 10:00pm ET and Doctor Who: The Ultimate Time
Lord on Monday, August 18, 10:00pm ET. The Doctor Who Takeover
Week marathon
will kick off Monday, August 18, 8:00am ET. Starting August 6, BBCAmerica.com
will give fans a chance to vote for their favorite Doctor Who episodes -
the top selections of this “Make
Your Own Sunday” poll will run in a BBC AMERICA marathon on Sunday, August 24.
Theatrical Events
Across the U.S. - August 23 and August 25
Announced today, BBC AMERICA
and Fathom Events are teaming up again for two days of theatrical screening
events of Doctor Who
Season Premiere: Deep Breath in the U.S. This electrifying episode will be shown in select
cinemas across the U.S. and will also include 15 minutes of cinema exclusive
bonus content.
On Saturday, August 23 at midnight, there
will be 12 theatrical events in 12 cities at 12am/midnight to celebrate the
launch of the new season. More information will be announced on August 5 at www.FathomEvents.com.
On Monday, August 25, the celebration goes nationwide with two showings at 7:00pm and 9:30pm (local time). The
event will be presented in more than 550 select movie theaters around the
country through Fathom’s Digital
Broadcast Network. Tickets are now available for Doctor Who
Season Premiere: Deep Breath at participating theater box offices and
online at www.FathomEvents.com.
For a complete list of theater locations and prices, visit
the Fathom Events website (theaters and participants are
subject to change).
About Doctor Who:
Ahead of the new season premiere, Doctor Who: The World Tour will
see the stars visiting seven cities across five continents in 12 days to
publicize the upcoming season. Details about the New York visit on August 14
will be announced in the coming days. More information on the itinerary for Cardiff (UK), London (UK), Seoul (South Korea), Sydney
(Australia), Mexico City (Mexico) and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) is available on www.doctorwho.tv/worldtour.
Doctor Who is BBC AMERICA’s highest-rated series, has set
social media records and received numerous awards including last year’s
Institutional Peabody Award. The series has enjoyed success off-air with more
than 10 million DVDs and 8 million action figures sold globally and is the
BBC’s top series on iTunes in the U.S. and UK. Doctor Who is a BBC Wales
production for BBC One and distributed by BBC Worldwide.