by Ken Parker
Huge expectations for this 50th
Anniversary special and with some incredible Doctor Who events
already experienced (An Adventure in Space and Time and the
finding of two previously lost classic series) how can “The Day of
the Doctor” fair for this fan who has been often critical of the
series, especially of late.
I will say that I enjoyed the majority
of this past season, more so than the last couple of Matt Smith's
Doctor. The last half of the season, I felt began to feel more like
classic Who with better paced stories that are not steeped with
returning characters and gimmicks well known in Doctor Who of
late. Of course this half of the season has been often criticized as
being a let down so what do I know.
My first reactions to this story was
that I was going to hate it. Bringing in John Hurt and making the
story about the Doctor yet again would be something that we have seen
too many times before and this could be an epic let down. After
watching it I did find a few parts to fit this bill but for the vast
majority of it, the story was excellent. After watching this I
decided to watch it again one more time before I wrote my review and
am finally getting to it a week later.
“The Day of the Doctor” is probably
the best Matt Smith story. I can say that because finally all the
homages and references and little easter eggs that litter the new
series make sense in this anniversary special. For once all these
work because that is what we want to see in an anniversary special.
Looking at several sections of the story I am surprised at how much
worked well and how little didn't.
The War Doctor – I really felt
that this story would have been much more satisfying if either Paul
McGann or Christopher Eccleston had been featured instead of John
Hurt. McGann would have made the most sense and I can't imagine that he was not available. If Eccleston had been in the story, it would have made perfect
sense, especially with his meeting the Moment (his future companion
Rose) and all of that rage that he had within his season. This would
have been the complete Anniversary as it would have included all the
new series Doctors and would have given Eccleston one more chance to
be the Doctor. The only hurdle would have been the 9th
Doctor's first glimpse of himself as the Doctor in the episode “Rose”
and that could have been explained away with the resetting of the
time lines and his memory of the events of “The Day of the Doctor”
as well perhaps his denial of his 9th persona, becoming
reborn as a new 9 with the start of the new series. John Hurt's
portrayal is much like Eccleston's to a certain degree. Obviously it
didn't happen and shame on Eccleston for not wanting to do it – I
expect he will regret the decision some day and want to return.
Hurt's performance and inclusion is
making the best of the hard situation and while I still don't
understand the entire Doctor numbering no matter how many times
Moffat explains it – it makes little sense.
Zygons – At first I thought the entire Queen Elizabeth
and Zygon plot line was a waste and for the most part it is the
weakest part of the special. All it really does is set up the
similar decision that Kate Stewart has with killing millions to save
billions, the decision that Hurt's Doctor is currently dealing with.
This similar story line is also seen when the three Doctors use their
combined Sonic Screwdrivers to open the door – the passage of time
(400 years) is referenced there in order to give us a clue that 11
would have come up with a plan 400 years later.
The Moment – This is another
part that I was worried about, the inclusion of Rose Tyler and while
I am thrilled that the most popular companion from the new series is
back, making her The Moment is acceptable and works fairly well –
again, better if it was Eccelston. She does play more of the Bad
Wolf/ Moment than Rose but some of Rose's personality leaks through.
Thankfully we did not get too much of the lovey dovey for Tennant to
the point where apart from a glance or two, there is no interaction
at all.
UNIT – While for the most part
I liked Stewart and Osgood in this story, the taking of the TARDIS
and the silly Doctor hanging out of it was not a very good moment and
harkens back to some of the worst of the worst of the new series.
Thankfully this scene was not that long (longer than it should have
been mind you) and the story settles down from there. Having a
Doctor groupie with Osgood with her scarf and TARDIS ringtone always
bothered me in the past but since she works for UNIT and potentially
had past experiences with the Doctor, is fine for this one.
Tennant & Smith – It is
really good to see David Tennant back and his playing off of Smith is
well done but does show that these two Doctors are very similar to
one another which I think was a problem with Smith from day one.
Their inclusion into the story as the one who regrets and the one who
forgets is a great stand out difference that really helps them in
this story.
The Doctors – The bringing
together of Hurt, Tennant and Smith in the attempt to save Gallifrey
was pretty heroic but the surprise when all the rest of his
regenerations come in to combine resource was the highlight for sure.
It was great to see them together working and while we all would
have loved to see more, for the purposes of this special, there brief
appearance on the monitors (and one quick Shada like appearance for
Eccleston) was perfect. The final all Doctors shot was also pretty
emotional and moving.
The Curator – This scene will
probably be heavily debated for years but simply put, it was a way
for the eldest Doctor actor alive to appear and make up for his
decision not to be in “The Five Doctors”. Tom Baker is obviously
the 4th Doctor but older and it is alluded to that perhaps
the Doctor's final life well beyond his original 13 will be in this
form and that he will become a curator on Earth. Again, this is a
Moffat sort of way of including Tom Baker into the story while
keeping fans arguing for decades to come. Whatever the idea, it is
great to see Tom Baker and was very touching.
Growing Up – The part of the
story I enjoyed the most was the contrast between Hurt's classic
Doctor style and the younger Tennant and Smith. Right off the bat
Hurt makes comments about how they talk like children and point sonic
screwdrivers and seem to hide themselves with lots of silliness. To
me this is a statement about the new series and its contrast to the
classic. It also brilliantly makes a statement that the destruction
of Gallifrey was why these latest regenerations act like the way they
do. For me it actually puts into perspective and reminds me that
Doctor's 9, 10 and 11 are damaged goods. Perhaps when they act
silly, it is indeed an act and they are still hurting inside.
To me it seems like this story is a
changing point for the series. With an older Doctor ready to take
over and these events of “The Day of the Doctor”, we may see a
change with this new Doctor that will be very refreshing and welcome.
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