The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages
Friday, December 30, 2016
Doctor Who - The Power of the Daleks Review
Doctor Who:
The Power of the Daleks
By David Whitaker
"I am your servant."
The TARDIS materializes on the planet Vulcan which is home to an Earth colony. Inside the newly renewed Doctor is getting to grips with his regeneration into a younger and healthier man. Ben is skeptical that this new person standing in front of him is indeed The Doctor but Polly is more trusting and believes that the stranger is in fact The Doctor. The three travelers eventually exit the TARDIS and explore the planet when The Doctor stumbles upon a dead body of what was the examiner from Earth. The Doctor takes the button that says examiner before he is knocked out from behind. Ben and Polly are found by a group of the colonist who save them from Mercury poisoning.
While impersonating the examiner from Earth The Doctor is introduced to Lesterson who is really excited about a spaceship that has been discovered but more importantly what is inside the spaceship. The Doctor doesn’t want Lesterson to open the door of the spaceship but he has an inkling that Lesterson already has. The Doctor, Ben and Polly return to Lesterson’s lab and break into the spaceship. Inside The Doctor sees a familiar sight that fills him with dread. There are two dormant Daleks on the ship and what has The Doctor alarmed is that a third Dalek is missing.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Doctor Who - Galaxy 4 Review
Doctor Who:
Galaxy 4
William Emms
“Two dawns! Tomorrow is the last day this planet will ever see.”
The TARDIS arrives on what looks like a pretty harmless looking planet when they come across a strange looking robot that seems to have pieces of its body stacked up on itself. Vicki names the robots Chumblies and they appear to be blind or in the most part not interested in The Doctor, Steven and Vicki. The travelers then meetup with a group of female aliens called the Drahvins who seem to come and rescue them from the Chumblies. The travelers are soon brought to the Drahvins ship and meet their leader another female named Maaga who explains to the Doctor that their ship along with the Rill ship has crashed landed on will explode in 14 planetary cycles.
The Doctor seems pretty unsure about the Drahvins especially when they told him that they turned down help from the Rills. So The Doctor does some scientific research of his own and discovers that in fact this planet does not have 14 planetary cycles but only two and that the planet will explode tomorrow. The Doctor and Vicki convince the Drahvins to let them talk to the Rills if they steal the Rills ship for them. The Doctor and Vicki encounter the Rills at their ship and tell them what the Drahvins had planned for them and that the planet will explode in two cycles. The Doctor decides to help the Rills get power to their ship from the TARDIS in exchange for help to free Steven from the Drahvin ship before the planet explodes and everyone is killed.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Eye on Sci Fi - Trailers, Rogue One, Carrie
Carrie Fisher - For the past few months we have been hearing about how bad 2016 has been for celebrity deaths and with everyone thinking about this and focused on this, every time someone dies we hear about it and hate 2016 even more. Yes, it has been bad but with the news that Carrie Fisher has passed away, it reaches a horrible level of bad that we could only have imagined in our greatest nightmares. Carrie Fisher was an incredible woman with her outspoken personality and influence. She portrayed Princess Leia in Star Wars and that character was a strong female that would have a immeasurable influence on society.
When these celebrities leave us, it feels that part of our childhood is gone forever. These people influenced us when we were younger. They were our idols or heroes. They are bigger than life and when this happens it is devastating. Her legacy not only in Star Wars but as a personality will be remembered. Our thoughts and prayers to family and friends.
Doctor Who - Fallen Angels Review
Classic Doctors
New Monsters
Fallen Angels
By Phil Mulryne
Starring Peter Davison
The story starts off in 2015 when two travelers on their honeymoon are looking at the sites in Italy when the stumble upon a mysterious statue and then boom it is now 1511 the time when Michelangelo is beginning to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. But he is being delayed because he has to finish carving a statue for a mysterious priest who is not a servant of God at all. The 5th Doctor stumbles on what is going on and is horrified to discover that the Weeping Angels are involved and it is a race against time to prevent them from taking over.
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Doctor Who - The American Adventures Review
Doctor Who:
The American Adventures
By Justin Richards
BBC Books have come out with a book that consists of six short stories that have one thing in common. All the stories take place in the United States during different points in its history and The Doctor happens to be there to fix what is going wrong. The six stories take place in the Midwest to New York City in the early 1900’s and a fun park in the future in Florida.
Monday, December 26, 2016
Doctor Who - The Return of Doctor Mysterio Review (Mild Spoilers)
Doctor Who:
The Return of Doctor Mysterio
By Steven Moffat
“Brains with minds of their own. No one will believe that. This is America.”
The Doctor is dangling from the roof in front of a window that is the bedroom of a child named Grant. Grant loves comic books and with his moms permission lets The Doctor into his room. They soon make it back to the roof where the Doctor explains to Grant that he has built a machine to reverse paradoxes. All this time Grant is coughing and the Doctor hands him a glass of water and gem. The gem is pretty powerful and is one of only four in existence. What is magnificent anout the gem is that it grants your wishes and unfortunately for The Doctor Grant swallows it thinking it was medicine for his cough. Since Grant is a lover of comic books his wish is to be a super hero and in fact that is what he becomes.
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Friday, December 23, 2016
The Target Book - A History of the Target Doctor Who Books
By David J Howe
Reviewed By Ken Parker
One of the first things I collected
when I was getting into Doctor Who back in the early 80's was
the line of Doctor Who novels by Target Books. It was all
new. I had seen a bunch of Tom Baker stories and had read about some
of the other Doctors. I grew hungry for Doctor Who and what
better way to dine on the books. Very soon I had caught up with the
releases and had to wait for new books to hit the stores. It was all
very exciting especially since many of the novels where of stories I
had not seen either because they had not aired in America or were of
episodes that were “missing.”
Doctor Who: Script Doctor - The Inside Story of Doctor Who 1986 - 1989 Review
Doctor Who:
Script Doctor -
The Inside Story of Doctor Who 1986 - 1989
By Andrew Cartmel
Have you ever wondered what it takes to put together a full season of Doctor Who? What it takes to get to put four stories together and deal with the writers and the producers? If you have, then a great book to read would be Script Doctor by former Doctor Who script editor Andrew Cartmel who spent three years working on Doctor Who. Andrew Cartmel worked on Doctor Who from 1986 to 1989 for the entire Sylvester McCoy era. He was there when they cast Sylvester McCoy right to the end when Sylvester McCoy did the voice over for the final speech in Survival. Andrew Cartmel has written a book based on his notes and experiences of working on Doctor Who in a book simply called Script Doctor: The Inside Story of Doctor Who 1986 – 1989 and I have to say it was pretty interesting reading about what goes on behind the scenes.
Details and Covers For Doctor Who Magazine 507
A little behind on this one as the Doctor Who Magazine Christmas Special is out as issue 507 is devoted to The Return of Doctor Mysterio. Doctor Who Magazine Issue 507 is out now in the UK.
“Some people say, ‘I quite liked Nardole, but why does he need to come back?’ Well, there is an answer. I can’t tell you why he needs to come back, but I can tell you that he does need to come back. There’s a job that needs to be done, and it’s not a job that the Doctor can do on his own. Nardole is there to help him. It’ll all become clear.”
You can read the full interview inside the new magazine…
DWM previews the amazing new Christmas Special!
A chat with the man behind the mask – Justin Chatwin, who plays The Ghost in the Christmas episode!
Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat answers readers’ questions.
DWM takes an in-depth look at the Doctor’s superhero credentials.
Despite the lack of series on TV, 2016 has still been a year to remember in the world of Doctor Who…
Why the Doctor took a week off from fighting Daleks in 1965 to engage in some slapstick comedy…
24 years after it launched, the Doctor Who pinball table has returned in digital form.
A brand-new comic strip adventure, written by Mark Wright and illustrated by Mike Collins.
There’s a double helping this issue as our team watches The Sarah Jane Adventures episode The Death of the Doctor, and the 2010 Special A Christmas Carol.
Writer Russell T Davies reveals fascinating new facts about the 2006 Christmas Special in this issue’s Fact of Fiction.
DWM reviews the recent DVD release of the animated edition of the 1966 classic, The Power of the Daleks.
A review of all the Who goodies which make perfect Christmas gifts.
Previews of all the latest Doctor Who CD and book releases.
The Watcher ponders the Reset Button…
PLUS! All the latest official news, Christmas competitions, and The Watcher’s Christmas Quiz!
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Doctor Who and Torchwood Comic Book Covers and Details For December 21st
Out this week and perfect for Christmas Weekend reading is a whole bunch of Doctor Who comic books. Which you can pick up at your local comic book store today.

It’s all come down to this, the epic conclusion to the Eleventh Doctor’s second year! With a trail of temporal devastation in his wake, and casualties mounting among his companions, can the Doctor find the truth at last about his Time War crime? And will that truth, once won, prove to have been worth the cost?!
Writer: Si Spurrier / Rob Williams
Artist: Simon Fraser
Colorist: Gary Caldwell
Letterer: Comicraft
FC - 32pp - $3.99 - On sale: December 21
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Details on Doctor Who - Original Sin
Out now is the second release in the Novel Adaptions range with another 7th Doctor and Bernice Summerfield adventure that takes place on Earth in the future. You can order this release from the Big Finish website.
A warning from a dying alien leads the Doctor and Bernice to Earth. However Earth in this time period is not a good place to be.
The murder rate is rising, but the killers seem to be acting without motive. The TARDIS crew's investigations lead them to a military training planet, a prison inside a star, and a terrifying old foe.
And all the time they are being pursued - by two dogged Adjudicators who've stumbled onto a terrifying conspiracy. Chris Cwej and Roz Forrester.
Things will never be the same again.
Based on the 1995 New Adventures novel by Andy Lane.
Written By: Andy Lane, adapted by John Dorney
Directed By: Ken Bentley
Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), Lisa Bowerman (Bernice Summerfield), Yasmin Bannerman (Roz Forrester), Travis Oliver (Chris Cwej), Andrew French (Beltempest), Philip Voss (Robot/ Under-Sergeant), Amrita Acharia (Rashid/ Computer/ Shythe Shahid), Robbie Stevens (Dantalion/ Homeless/ Securitybot), Jot Davies (Powerless/ Pryce/ Hater/ Evan Claple). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Friday, December 16, 2016
Details on Doctor Who - Cold Fusion
Out this month is the first of two novel adaptions and another adventure directed by Jamie Anderson. This adventure also sees the meeting of two Doctors as the 5th and 7th meet up to take on adversary from The Doctor's past. You can order this from the Big Finish website.
A newly regenerated Fifth Doctor arrives on an occupied ice planet – where the Seventh Doctor is investigating dangerous energy experiments conducted by the Earth Empire. But events spin out of control when a refugee from the distant past arrives - Patience, the Doctor's Wife!
Written By: Lance Parkin
Directed By: Jamie Anderson
Peter Davison (The Fifth Doctor), Sylvester McCoy (The Seventh Doctor), Matthew Waterhouse (Adric), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Yasmin Bannerman (Roz Forrester), Travis Oliver (Chris Cwej), Christine Kavanagh (Patience), Jeremy Hitchen (Medford/Quint/Quant/Ziyou Wanle/Ferutu), Sharon Maughan (Whitfield), Peter Caulfield (Adam/Falconstock/Sam/Concierge/Robot Voices)
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
5th Doctor,
7th Doctor,
big finish,
Chris Cwej,
Cold Fusion,
doctor who,
Janet Fielding,
Mathew Waterhouse,
Peter Davison,
Roz Forrester,
Sarah Sutton,
Sylvester McCoy,
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Doctor Who - Peter Davison Autobiography Review
Is There Life Outside The Box?
An Actor Despairs
By Peter Davison
For most fans of Doctor Who when they think of the show in the 80’s Peter Davison comes to mind. He was the first Doctor of that decade and before he took on the role of The Doctor he was already a household name from being on All Creatures Great and Small. So the ever busy actor found the time to write his autobiography to tell the tales of his early life and acting career. The book is out now and it is titled “Is There Life Outside The Box? An Actor Despairs” which as it turns out was title that Peter Davison thought was funny and the first publisher did not get the joke and wanted it changed. Obviously he refused and the second publisher let him keep it and let him write the book the way he wanted too. This is all discussed in detail in “Is There Life Outside The Box? An Actor Despairs” along with many other stories of his career along with his time on Doctor Who.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Details on Doctor Who - The Sontarans
Out Now from The Early Adventures is the first meeting between The Doctor and The Sontarans. This audio adventures stars Peter Purves and Jean Marsh who played Steven and Sarah during the William Hartnell era. You can order this audio adventure from the Big Finish website.
The TARDIS arrives on a moon-sized asteroid orbiting two gas giants. With an amazing view, it’s a chance for the Doctor, Steven and Sara to unwind after their recent adventures.
But they quickly find themselves in the midst of battle - on one side: a familiar group of space-suited soldiers - members of the Space Security Service. On the other: strange, squat aliens in body armour.
Surviving the initial hostilities, the Doctor and his friends discover that the SSS squad is on a terrifying mission. With many lives at stake, they have to venture deep inside the asteroid in search of a hideous weapon. But who can they trust in the battle against these Sontarans?
Written By: Simon Guerrier
Directed By: Ken Bentley
Peter Purves (Steven/The Doctor/Narrator), Jean Marsh (Sara Kingdom), Dan Starkey (Corporal Ellis/Slite/Shrok/Stack/Commander), Jemma Churchill (Captain Papas), John Banks (Corporal Gage), Rosanna Miles (Tinder/Human Soldier)
Producer: David Richardson
Script Editor: John Dorney
Executive Producers: Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Details on Doctor Who - Quicksilver
Out this month is the second Main Range audio adventure that stars Colin Baker as the 6th Doctor and Miranda Raison as the Constance. Quicksilver is directed by Jamie Anderson the son of Gerry Anderson and this audio adventure is available from the Big Finish website.
It’s the telegram Constance never wanted to read:
Those classified operations concerned a top-secret military project code-named ‘Quicksilver’. A project based in Vienna. A project with alien connections.
But bombed-out Vienna is not what it was before the war – with its Strauss music, its glamour and easy charm. It's not the time nor the place for a happy reunion. As Constance Clarke is about to discover...
And as the Doctor is about to discover, too!
Written By: Matt Fitton
Directed By: Jamie Anderson
Colin Baker (The Doctor), Miranda Raison (Constance Clarke), Lisa Greenwood (Flip Jackson), Matthew Cottle (Henry Clarke), Joel Fry (Kinvar/Rogers), Oliver Cotton (Major Callahan), Kate Kennedy (Ana), Robbie Stevens (Boyarov/Vilal General). Other parts portrayed by members of the cast.
Producer David Richardson
Script Editor Alan Barnes
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Monday, December 12, 2016
Details on Doctor Who - Absolute Power
Out this month is the first of two Main Range releases featuring the 6th Doctor and Constance and for fans of Gerry Anderson this stort was written and directed by Gerry Anderson's son Jamie. Absolute Power starring Colin Baker and Miranda Raison can be ordered from the Big Finish website.
Two thousand years ago, all civilisation on the planet Teymah was wiped out in an AELE – an Anomalous Extinction Level Event. Now, the galactic entrepreneur Lyam Yce hopes, at last, to learn the reason why the ancient Teymahrians went extinct – by funding a huge archaeological dig.
While the Doctor probes a strange sphere found by Yce's diggers, his companion, former Bletchley Park cryptographer Constance Clarke, agrees to help translate symbols written in the lost ancient language of the Teymahrians. And soon, they'll learn that ancient Teymah's secrets were best left buried deep beneath its shifting sands...
Written By: Jamie Anderson
Directed By: Jamie Anderson
Colin Baker (The Doctor), Miranda Raison (Constance Clarke), Paul Reynolds (Lyam Yce), Jenny Bede (Florrie/Medical Doctor), Arian Nik (Ammar Elkady), Neil Edmond (Professor Aryan Wyke/Mine Worker), Gary Martin (Kohrbal), Esther Hall (Pheenan). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Producer David Richardson
Script Editor Alan Barnes
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Friday, December 9, 2016
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Interview With Doctor Who Podcasters MarkWHO 42
I've had the pleasure recently to talk to Mark Baumgarten and Christian Basel who are the guys that make up the excellent Doctor Who podcast MarkWho 42 which I found out is more than just a Doctor Who podcast. If you are in the Florida area check them out at local conventions as they will be at the Paradise City Comic Con in Fort Lauderdale this weekend December 9th to the 11th so stop by their table 2131 and say hi.
How did MarkWHO42 come about and how long has it been around?
MARK: I had been a Doctor Who fan for a long time, and my girlfriend told me with as much knowledge I had on the subject I should do something with it. You know, "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility " and the like. She said I should start a blog. I decided against it. But then I met the show's co-creator Patricia Helm on Facebook and we decided to start a fan page on Facebook and Tumblr. The Facebook page came on line on April Fool's Day in 2012. It got a lot of attention, and had some Doctor Who book authors as followers as well. I decided I wanted to do a blog after all, but not written. I wanted to do a podcast.
So Trish and I came up with an idea to do a show that was done with an improvised storyline and characters. MarkWHO42 was a Time Lord who was exiled from Gallifrey and came to Earth and reviewed the "real" adventures of his old friend Theta Sigma which was adapted for the show Doctor Who. I played MarkWHO42 and Trish played the TORRID (which is what we said the TARDIS was really called as Susan said she came up with the name TARDIS in the first episode of Doctor Who) as a Idris type character. During episode 2, we added a UNIT field officer, played by Eduardo M Freyre, and a plot line that featured a uncast character villain called Mad Jaspers. As we did the story we also reviewed the first half of Series 7 as it was aired each week in character.
I made a unilateral decision, since I was editing, directing and producing the show myself (which I still do to this day), that even though this idea made us different than other podcasts, it didn't work in my opinion. So in episode 8 of "markwho42 and the TORRID Tori Podcast Blog", after we reviewed Angels Take Manhattan, Mad Jaspers came back and sent us through a dimensional portal into reality. The last words of the episode were, "I'm Mark Baumgarten and you've been listening to MarkWHO42's WHOniverse." We didn't do a show for about a few weeks and came back on Halloween weekend of 2012 with episode 1 of MarkWHO42's WHOniverse... and the world was never the same again!
How did you guys come up with the name?
MARK: I've given a different answer to this question over the years including that it was my email address (which it was) but really it comes from my name Mark, the show title Doctor "WHO", and The Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything (DnA's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is one of the funniest books ever written). So Mark + Who + 42 or as we write it: MarkWHO42
What is the main purpose of the podcast?
CHRISTIAN: We want to bring listeners the latest "news, reviews and interviews from the Doctor WHO WHOniverse and BEYOND!"
MARK: I think we do the show to share our love of Doctor Who and the sci-fi genre in general. We fulfill what I call the three E's. I think we try to Educate, Entertain, and Enjoy Doctor Who.
Is it hard to produce a podcast every week and keeping it fresh and different each time?
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Details on Doctor Who - The Hesitation Device
Out for download only is a 7th Doctor and Benny story and it seems to have a Christmas theme to it. You can order The Hesitation Device from the Big Finish website.
The Doctor brings Bernice Summerfield to a planet where they get Christmas just right. But this year, something's gone very wrong. An ancient force has been hunting the Doctor for a long time, and finally it has found him. As it closes in on the Time Lord, Bernice must make a truly terrible decision. One that she'll immediately forget.
Producer Ian Atkins
Script Editor Ian Atkins
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Written By: James Goss
Directed By: Lisa Bowerman
Lisa Bowerman (Narrator)
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Friday, December 2, 2016
Doctor Who - Silver Nemesis Review
Continuing Our Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Cybermen
Silver Nemesis
By Kevin Clarke
“It's all over, Ace. My battle, all my battles, I've lost. I can only surrender.”
The Doctor and Ace are sitting and relaxing while they listen to a Jazz jam session when The Doctor’s alarm goes off. It appears that he set it to remind him of a catastrophic event that would affect a planet but he doesn’t remember which one. It turns out to be the planet they are on Earth and The Doctor set it back in the 17th Century where we find Lady Peinforte making up a conncotion to get her and Richard to 1988 as that is where her astrologer has predicted that the comet Nemesis will crash back to Earth. Lady Peinforte has the arrow and along with the bow, which a bunch of Nazi’s have, combined with the statue will grant that person ultimate power over everything.
To make matters worse there is another factor thrown in to disrupt The Doctor’s attempts to secure all three items and send Nemesis back into space, The Cybermen. The Cybermen want the statue also to help their battle fleet, which is hidden from radar orbiting the Earth, to turn Earth into the new Mondas. With this new X – Factor The Doctors game of chess might have to many players and it might be too much for him to save the Earth from the power of the Nemesis statue and the power that goes with it. If the Doctor fails the Cybermen will win and be the true masters of the universe.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Details, Teaser, and Promo Pics for Doctor Who - The Return of Doctor Mysterio

BBC America has released some details about this years Christmas Special that will be airing on December 25th at 9PM on BBC America.
BBC AMERICA revealed the synopsis and poster art for the all-new Doctor Who Christmas Special, The Return of Doctor Mysterio, premiering Sunday, December 25, 9/8c on BBC AMERICA.
This Christmas sees the Doctor join forces with a masked Superhero for an epic New York adventure. With brain-swapping aliens poised to attack, the Doctor and Nardole link up with an investigative reporter and a mysterious figure known only as The Ghost. Can the Doctor save Manhattan? And what will be revealed when we see behind the mask?
Peter Capaldi stars as the Doctor, Matt Lucas (Bridesmaids, Little Britain) as Nardole, Justin Chatwin (Orphan Black, Shameless) as Grant and Charity Wakefield (Wolf Hall, The Player) as an investigative journalist.
The special is written by Steven Moffat, executive produced by Brian Minchin, produced by Peter Bennett and directed by Ed Bazalgette (Poldark). It was shot in Cardiff at BBC Wales Roath Lock Studios.
In the days leading up to the new Christmas Special, BBCA will air a Doctor Who Takeover Marathon. The new season of Doctor Who will premiere alongside the Doctor Who spin-off Class in Spring 2017 on BBC AMERICA.
BBCA’s robust slate of originals includes: Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency airing now on Saturdays and returning with season two in 2017, BBC Music Awards on December 14th, Planet Earth II on January 28th, plus the final season of Orphan Black and the recently greenlit series from Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Killing Eve.
Synopsis, trailer and pics for Class: The Lost
Facing an impossible choice, our heroes must use all they’ve learnt to save Earth. But how far are they prepared to go? And will they have to pay a price?
Unable to recover from the truths they have faced, the gang has splintered. Liberated from enslavement, Quill prepares to take her revenge.
But they must reunite when the Shadow Kin return, raging a ruthless, unrelenting war.
Resolute to claim April's heart and Charlie's weapon, Corakinus threatens to kill their families until he has what he desires - and the friends must fight to prevent him.
This time, not everyone will make it out alive.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Doctor Who Comic Books Covers, Previews and Details for November 30th
Out this week we have three more Doctor Who comic books which feature the 3rd and 12th Doctors and Torchwood. These three comic books can be purchased at your local comic book stores.

The Terror of the Cabinet Noire continues, as the Doctor finds himself teamed with a rebellious French swordswoman to battle the infamous Cardinal Richelieu and his secret police! But it's not just the Cardinal they have to worry about - it's his allies, who definitely aren't from around here...!
Writer: Robbie Morrison
Artist: Mariano Laclaustra
FC - 32pp - $3.99 - On sale: November 30
Cover A: Alex Ronald
Cover B: Photo
Cover C: jake
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Doctor Who - The Ultimate Foe Review
Celebrating 30 years of Colin Baker's season 23 story The Trial of a Time Lord
Doctor Who:
The Trial of a Time Lord
The Ultimate Foe
By Robert Holmes Episode 13
Pip and Jane Baker Episode 14
“In all my travellings throughout the universe I have battled against evil, against power-mad conspirators. I should have stayed here. The oldest civilisation, decadent, degenerate and rotten to the core. Ha! Power-mad conspirators, Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen, they're still in the nursery compared to us. Ten million years of absolute power, that's what it takes to be really corrupt.”
After the turn of events from Terror of the Vervoids The Doctor is now on trial for genocide to go along with the charges of meddling. The Inquisitor tells The Doctor that he can call witnesses to help his cause but how can he get them as they are all scattered throughout space and time. When suddenly Mel and Glitz appear at the trial and this turn of events catches The Valeyard by surprise.
Then a more shocking turn of events as The Master appears on the Matrix screen offering to help The Doctor. The Master shows proof that The Doctor is correct that the Matrix can be entered by anyone and events can be altered as he shows the key of the Matrix he has that has dumbfounded the Keeper of the Matrix. The Master beckons the Time Lords to let Sabalom Glitz give his testimony. Glitz explains that on Ravalox he was there to steal the secrets of the Matrix that the Sleepers had stolen. It appears that the tide might be turning for The Doctor.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Friday, November 25, 2016
Doctor Who - Attack of the Cybermen Review
Continuing Our Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Cybermen
Doctor Who:
Attack of the Cybermen
By Paula Moore
“Then perhaps you should tell them, because if you don't, they intend to prevent Mondas from being destroyed.”
The Doctor discovers that the Cybermen want to save Mondas but in doing that Earth must be destroyed. The have the perfect weapon in doing it as Haley’s Comet is making its approach back to Earth. The Doctor and Peri stumble upon their plan by searching out a distress signal which leads them to the sewers of London and a secret Cybermen base. The Cybermen capture The Doctor and force him to pilot his TARDIS to Telos so that they can use his TARDIS in their plans to save Mondas. On Telos is an old adversary of The Doctor as he finds out that The Cyber Controller is still alive. There is also a wildcard in the mix as Lytton is involved in this also and The Doctor does not know if he is working for the Cybermen or the Cryons. One thing The Doctor does know about and that is stopping the Cybermen and preserving the web of time by preventing Mondas from being saved.
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Details, Pics and Trailer for Class - The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did
With the gang trapped in detention and out of the way, Miss Quill accepts Dorothea's astonishing offer: to help remove the Arn from her head, and to reclaim her freedom.
Alongside Ballon, an imprisoned shape-shifter, Miss Quill travels in a metaphysical engine and is taken to impossible, extraordinary and dangerous worlds, collecting materials in preparation for her life-changing procedure.
After an emotional encounter with her surgeon and a nearly-fatal operation, Miss Quill must find a way to return to Earth: transformed and ready for war.
Alongside Ballon, an imprisoned shape-shifter, Miss Quill travels in a metaphysical engine and is taken to impossible, extraordinary and dangerous worlds, collecting materials in preparation for her life-changing procedure.
After an emotional encounter with her surgeon and a nearly-fatal operation, Miss Quill must find a way to return to Earth: transformed and ready for war.
Class - Detained Review
By Patrick Ness
Miss Quill has put Charlie, Ram, Tanya, April and Matteusz in detention while she goes out and takes care of other matters. While trying to use a spare key to escape their fate an asteroid comes through the rift and enters the classroom transporting it to a void that is not in any place in time and space. The problem with this piece of the asteroid is that it feeds of the negative feelings of the person holding it and thus makes you reveal your true feelings about your friends.
The thing about holding the meteor is that you can only hold it for a little bit of time before it consumes you. Charlie finds out that the meteor is holding the essence of an alien murder and that they all have been transported to its prison. They all discover that they are trapped in this prison and they only way they can figure out to get out is to hold the meteor and ask it questions but in doing so they reveal more of themselves than they really want to.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Doctor Who Comic Books Previews and Covers For November 23rd
Out today are two Doctor Who comic books featuring the 10th Doctor and the 9th Doctor. You can pick these two issues up at your local comic book store or Barnes and Noble.

The epic finale of the tenth Doctor's second year continues in a story so big, we had to give it two extra issues! The emergence of the Time Sentinel! The return of an ancient entity long thought dead! Anubis trapped between this universe and the next! A galaxy of impossible possibilities! Companions locked in mortal combat! Gabby's mysterious powers in full flow! And at the heart of it all, the Doctor, with the lives of billions in his hands! As the universe shatters and time starts to die, can the last son of Gallifrey win the game by changing the rules? You won't believe his answer! Be back here next month as Year Two ends in flames!
Writer: Nick Abadzis
Artist: Giorgia Sposito
FC - 32pp - $3.99 - On sale: November 23
COVER A: Claudia Caranfa
COVER B: Photo
COVER C: Question No. 6
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