Orphan Black's Tatiana Maslany is NOT on the nomination list.
That is all you need to know. The #Emmys2014 are a joke. I cannot forgive them for missing out on the best actress performance on TV last year and now there is something more to this. Is it a political thing? Do they have to nominate bigger shows and bigger stars? Are the voters not aware of this series? Perhaps. The #Emmys2014 do not accurately represent the best of the best. You know that each of the nominated actresses are breathing sighs of relief not to go up against Maslany.

Here are just a few of the rants going on this AM from websites and the press.
Tatiana Maslany - We cannot put this one on this list big enough. The fact that the show did not give her an Actress in a Drama Series nomination is at this point a joke. Do voters not know what BBC America is, or do they prefer to just stay asleep at the wheel?
Why isn’t the nameOrphan Black even slightly familiar to Emmys voters? Hell, Tatiana Maslany should probably be nominated about 10 times for all the characters she brings to life on the BBC America drama.
Look, I’m not that into genre shows, and I understand the Academy’s aversion to rewarding performances within them. The phrase “she’s nominated for playing a bunch of clones” probably doesn’t sit well with the more distinguished members of the bunch. But this is 2014, guys. We’re contemporary people and we know that playing a science fiction-y character can be just as challenging as playing a meth-dealing chemistry teacher. I suppose there is always next year.
Among the most regrettably overlooked: Tatiana Maslany of “Orphan Black.”
The fact that @tatianamaslany was snubbed AGAIN by the Emmys is a crime.
24 minutes ago
Okay, so the Emmys are waiting to announce that Tatiana Maslany is nominated as best ensemble cast, right?
9 minutes ago
"Tatiana Maslany is just trying too hard to get nominated for an Emmy. All that acting. Smacks of effort."
You know I will harp on this for a while - https://tv.yahoo.com/blogs/tv-news/emmys-tatiana-maslany-orphan-black-185836104.html