SDCC 2015 News
By Ken Parker
I don't think I would ever go to San Diego Comic Con - I can't imagine waiting in a line for over 15+ hours, let alone 2. But thanks to the internet, we are getting reports and videos straight from the convention. Lots of stuff to cover so here we go!
Star Wars Episode VII - There was a behind the scenes video shown and a panel that must have been incredible -
Again, this is all promo fluff with just a few glimpses but it is doing it right and getting us really up for this movie. My enthusiasm for this movie is rising every day and things like this help.
The Man in the High Castle Trailer - read the book a while back - this looks very interesting from Amazon.
Con-Man - a spoof on a celebrity and his time on a popular but cancelled sci-fi TV series has lots of sci-fi actors and actresses in it. Could be worth a look!
Ash Vs. Evil Dead Trailer - not really sci-fi but very high up on the cool meter!!
The Walking Dead - Season 6 - speaking of the dead, a new season of this show is back and while Game of Thrones got lots of press about killing some of the main cast off one has to remember that The Walking Dead is doing it without pause. Who will die this season? Hopefully the show can continue to be good and not rely on the "who will die" question to keep people interested.
Fear the Walking Dead - August 23 - meanwhile fans have this -
Sherlock Christmas Special - Wish this show was on more often but to appease our fix, a special period episode is on tap featuring a nod to the original Sherlock Holmes world.

Mark Frost said -
“A lot of people always look back at Twin Peaks and say that was the start of this explosion we’ve had in good television drama, but we did it in a time when there were still only three networks. The challenge for us is to try and come back and raise the bar above what we did the last time. We’re coming back with season three of Twin Peaks after a 25-year absence. We’ve finished the scripts, we start production in September, and that will be coming out on Showtime sometime in 2017.”
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