Doctor Who
The Rescue
By David Whitaker
“You're sorry for me aren't you? I'm perfectly all right, you know. I don't care if nobody ever comes. I'm fine. I'm perfectly all right!”
The Rescue introduces us to new companion Vickie who replaces Susan who left at the end of The Dalek Invasion of Earth. Vickie is one of the survivors of a ship that had crashed on Dido. There are two survivors Vickie and Bennett and they have themselves a bit of a problem. Apparently they are being terrorized by Koquillion. Koquillion says he is protecting them from his people who have killed the rest of the crew of their ship including Vickie’s dad. He also informed them that another ship had landed and his people have killed them also.

The Rescue is a nice story that doesn’t take much brain effort to enjoy. It’s quite a simple story in that there isn’t much going on and that The Doctor does most of the action and investigating. That’s right action as he attacks Bennett in the meeting hall and is actually the aggressor which we do not see from William Hartnell’s Doctor much. It was really awesome seeing the 1st Doctor being the man of action. The way he confronted Bennett was truly the way we have known the Doctor to be like. Truly a great scene and seeing a feisty man of action 1st Doctor was a good change of pace.

So is The Rescue a perfect story? By all means no but it is a story that is fun to watch as there isn’t much thinking involved and being at 2 episodes long it isn’t too long which a lot of the stories were in the 60’s.
Grade B –
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