This movie really brings audiences out of their comfort zone by pulling the rug out from underneath the Marvel universe and certainly blurring the stories of the future. It is hard for audiences to trust anyone and anything in the movie and we feel exactly how Rogers must feel. As with most of the best superhero films, our heroes, Captain America, Black Widow, Nick Fury and Sam Wilson all must overcome incredible odds including their self in order to defeat the latest threat. The movie delivers this conflict and shows us the best of the best.

The latest episode, airing on April 8 was a microscopic point of view of the events of Captain America - The Winter Soldier from the point of view of SHIELD. This was pretty incredible to see this disintegration of this organization from the inside out. The events parallel the events of the movie and show us a bit more of the aftermath as episodes go on. The series had perhaps alluded to something going on but now everything is a mess that the characters of the series now must deal with. The series hit its high point with that episode but had been slowly building this entire time. Unfortunately the series has not quite been like this from day one but now perhaps it will learn from its mistakes and keep the entire SHIELD situation created in the movie front and center up until The Avengers - Age of Ultron next year.
We have to wait a year for The Avengers but we do not have to wait for the continuation of the SHIELD storyline as Marvel's Agents of SHIELD is on Tuesdays!!
This last episode was the best so far. It's like a bonus video for the movie because it answers so many questions in a way the movie couldn't (which was excellent by the way).