by Ken Parker

Visuals are also very important in the
tone of the film. How it is shot and what the final image looks like
is part of the blueprint of the film structure. Star Wars had
a visual style with a very straight forward feel. Quick edits and
throwback transitions helps set an “Exciting Days of Yesterday”
and nostalgic old school feel. Couple that with stereotypical and
yet re-imagined stunts and scenes and you have a classic adventure
On the other hand, you take dark
imagery along with slow sweeping and gloomy shots and you have a
different type of movie. That is where we go today.
#2 - Blade Runner - 1982
A perfect storm is where numerous
events happen at the same time that translate into something
immensely more powerful than the sum of their parts. Films often
will be comprised of many elements that create an excellent final
product. When virtually everything comes together in the film making
process and everything falls into place with timing of release,
promotion and so on. And when the viewer is in the right frame of
mind and ready to experience this type of film, the result can be

Blade Runner is a film that I
liked a lot. I saw it in the theater and then later on cable. I did
get a copy of it on VHS tape and over the years watched it often. As
time went on I found the film more enjoyable and never got tired of
it. It suddenly occurred to me that this film was one of my
favorites of all time. I would view it not as just another film, but
as a piece of art and found no flaws. I heard criticisms and watched
different versions and while I understand these, my love for the film
What makes this film a perfect storm
for me? The main elements start with the visuals. The opening
sequence is almost enough alone. It sets the mood of the film and
usually envelops me into the film itself for the next 2 hours. I am
part of that world from that point on.
The music in the film is by Vangelis
and is outstanding. I have made fun of the music in the past that if
I listened to the soundtrack of Blade Runner that it would put
me asleep. There is a truth to this as the film can at times lull me
into a comfortable, soothing mood and yet the film is anything but
soothing. Some good argue the mood is too low, as low as the light
in the sets of the film. This tone is not for everyone. What a
contrast to a film like Star Wars with bright light and punchy

One can see that Deckard is not your
typical Harrison Ford part. He is not heroic and charismatic.
Deckard is flawed and unsure of himself. Ultimately he is defeated
but spared by the more human Batty.
Some of the most important questions
for the film are left unanswered and yet the director’s versions go
further in supporting theories of Deckard’s heritage. Is he a
replicant? I personally feel that the director’s cut does have
some interesting ideas but ultimately it is the theatrical version
that is on my list. I do admit the cop out ‘happy’ ending is a
let down and was there because of Hollywood’s need to have
something positive in a very negative film.

Much of the credit of this film goes
toward Ridley Scott who has populated many of my personal top movie
lists with his movies over the years. Two of my top 5 Sci-Fi movies
are his creation and this makes me very interested in his work on
Prometheus and any future Blade Runner projects he
might take part in. This film is one of the most beautiful pieces of artwork in cinema history.
While this film is my second favorite
Sci-Fi movie of all time, it is a close second to my favorite which
we will look at next time.
Wikipedia -
Opening minutes of the movie in HD
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