Poltergeist was a movie
that was billed as being really scary. I
remember my Dad renting this movie from the video store to watch one
evening. I wasn’t too impressed with it
back in the 80’s (not sure if I saw it in 1982) and was kind of hesitant
watching this Steven Spielberg written and produced (some say directed but that
is a conspiracy theory of sorts) film again. But for the sake of the Summer of
82 reviews I marched on.
Well the plot to this one
is simple. Ghosts live in the TV and
they get out and haunt the house. They
kidnap Carol Anne, Rob and Diane’s daughter. So she is in ghost dimension and
the Freeling’s call in poltergeist experts to try and get her back to their
dimension. What they end up discovering
is that there house and housing development is built on top of graveyard that
was supposed to have been exhumed but in reality just had the graves removed.
Of the geek movies of the
Summer of 1982 Poltergeist is my least favorite. In fact I really do not like it. For one I do not find it scary in fact
sometimes comical. Like the scene where
the tree grabs Robbie and tries to eat him.
I thought that looked pretty stupid plus predictable. Same with the clown doll. I mean it was pretty predictable that the
tree and clown where going to attack Robbie.
Considering how many times they focused on his fear of those two items I
would have thought they would have attacked him sooner.
The movie is also too long
in my opinion. I would have thought it
was a good place to end it right after they get Carol Anne back. At that point they are loading up the moving
truck and heading out. Ok. Well then
they decide to spend another night in the house and all hell breaks loose. If it was me I would never have gone back
into that house after all the stuff that went on. At least they had the common sense to take
the television out of the hotel room at the end.

There is much more about this film. It is a family coping with a horrible situation. It reminds me of the Twilight Zone episode "Little Girl Lost." The use of science to understand and ultimately rescue Carol Anne fails and it is the love for her and the strong bonds of the family that prevails. You are looking at just the surface of the movie. Seeing it now after watching many other ghost movies it may be hard to realize how frightening this movie was back then.