Now that the 10th Doctors era has been over for two years I thought it would be interesting to compile a list of the ten best stories of his era. Notice I said stories and not episodes so don’t get your panties in bunch if you see a two parter count as one. While compiling this list I watched all 47 David Tennant episodes in order and rated each one accordingly. The first anomaly you will find is that there are actually 11 stories in the top 10 list as the list starts with a tie at number 10.
10. Midnight
Directed by Alice Troughton
Why it’s in the top 10:
RTD’s best script that he has writing in the 5 years that he was in charge of Doctor Who. Plus it was your classic sci fi paranoia story. It was pretty intense how the alien that took over Sky was able to get the passengers to play off their fears and turn against each other.
10. The Fires of Pompeii
Written by James Moran
Directed by Colin Teague
Why it’s in the top 10:
This is the story that made Donna more of a serious companion rather than being comic relief. It was her compassion and drive to go after The Doctor to save just one person brought home the fact that Donna was the best companion for the 10th Doctor. Plus how could you not laugh when the Doctor pulled out a water gun and used it on the Pyrovilles that in its self was classic.
9. Army of Ghosts/Doomsday
Written by Russell T. Davies
Directed by Graeme Harper
Why it’s in the top 10:
It’s the ultimate Fanwank episode. It has the Daleks and Cybermen fighting each other in glorious battle scenes around London. It’s enough to give a 50 year old nerd an orgasm. Plus the scene where the Doctor says farewell to Rose was one of the most touching in the series history.
8. Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel
Written by Tom MacRae
Directed by Graeme Harper
Why it’s in the top 10:
We get an origin story of the Cybermen plus we get the first glimpse of the alternate Earth that gets revisited twice more. Plus we get to see somewhat how the Cybermen are made. One of the stronger Cybermen stories in a long time with a Star Trek Mirror Universe affect.
7. The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
Written by Matt Jones
Directed by James Strong
Why it’s in the top 10:
First appearance of the Ood who would play a bigger role in the 10th Doctor era later on in the series. Plus the Doctor fights an enemy that is Devil like and bringing the mythos of the devil back into the Who universe. Plus how great was it to see the Ood going crazy and killing people. Plus how could you not like the possessed Toby outside of the space station floating around and then killing his crew mate. The voice of Gabriel “Sutek” Woolf as the beast was pretty cool to hear.
6. School Reunion
Written by Toby Whithouse
Directed by James Hawes
Why it’s in the top 10:
The return of Sarah Jane Smith and K9 for the first time since the Five Doctors. The death and resurrection of K9. The best scene visually is when Sarah Jane sees the TARDIS for the first time and then the camera pans around and there is the Doctor standing in the shadows. The Doctor saying goodbye (for now) to Sarah Jane in the closing moments. Plus how classic was the cat fight between Rose and Sarah Jane. The Loch Ness Monster.
5. The Waters of Mars
Written by Phil Ford and Russell T. Davies
Directed by Graeme Harper
Why it’s in the top 10:
It’s the classic monster story. Monster threatens a group in a space station and the Doctor shows up to save them. We see a different Doctor in this one. A Doctor unhinged and defiant as he breaks the laws of time to suit his purpose. One of the few that does not have a happy ending. Plus it’s the beginning of the end for the 10th Doctor.
4. Human Nature/ The Family of Blood
Written by Paul Cornell
Directed by Charles Palmer
Why it’s in the top 10:
Another fan wank story for the fans as this story was adapted from Paul Cornell’s book Human Nature. It was great to see the scarecrows walking around and terrorizing the school plus seeing the Doctor in the school teacher getup with the machine gun was very reminiscent of the book cover. Plus this is one of David Tennants best performances as the Doctor if not the best.
3. The End of Time
Written by Russell T. Davies
Directed by Euros Lyn
Why it’s in the top 10:
The big goodbye. The last time we see the 10th Doctor being heroic. You have the return of the Master and The Timelords. One of the best parts of this story is the performance of Bernard Cribbins. Another great performance by David Tennant most notably the last half hour where he channels Hamlet before he sacrifices his life to save Wilf from radiation and then saying goodbye to all his companions before he regenerates.
2. Blink
Written by Steven Moffat
Directed by Hettie MacDonald
Why it’s in the top 10:
It’s written by Steven Moffat the Robert Holmes of the new series. Sally Sparrow saves day and starts a cult affection about her. Actress Carey Mulligan portrayal of Sally Sparrow was the highlight of this story and of season 3. The Weeping Angels are pretty cool and have garnered the title of the best new bad guy for Doctor who as they returned for a rematch with Matt Smith‘s 11th Doctor. This is an adaptation of a Steven Moffat story “What I Did On My Christmas Vacation by Sally Sparrow” which appeared in the Doctor Who annual of 2006 and features the 9th Doctor.
1. The Girl in the Fireplace
Written By Steven Moffat
Directed by Euros Lyn
Why it’s in the top 10:
Again it’s written by the guy who is now the show runner for the Matt Smith era need I say more. Another classic monster story with some of the neatest looking robots ever. Plus look at their costumes truly one that they took great pains to look awesome. A love story with a sad ending as every time The Doctor came back to see Reinette she was older and then sadly she was no more. An all long perfect story with another of David Tennants great performances.

Pretty good list - I would personally drop Waters of Mars and End of Time to near the bottom. I think Tennant's best acted story is "Midnight."
ReplyDeleteFair enough. But those are pretty good performances and thats what I took into consideration when making the list.
ReplyDeleteWhat? Pointing a gun and waving it back in forth between the Master and Dalton for 15 minutes a good each his own.
I would say certain scenes from The End of Time were great but overall it was disappointing. I would swap that for Silence in the Library. I loved his era though. In 10 years it will have earned it's Golden Glow as the Classic Series has done.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say, the end of Family of Blood: AMAZING acting. To quote from The Shakespeare Code "Oh, I cried."
ReplyDeleteSome great choices here - I agree with you on Rise of the Cybermen being the best Cyberman story. Though I am holding out on Neil Gaiman's episode next year...
ReplyDeleteI will never understand why everyone loves "The Girl in the Fireplace" so much. IMHO it is kind of boring. It's not a bad episode by any means, but far from the best. If you're so keen to throw a Moffat story into the top spot, then the only way to go is "Silence in the Library"/"Forest of the Dead."
ReplyDeleteMy Top 10:
ReplyDelete#1 Blink
#2 Rise Of The Cybermen/The Age Of Steel
#3 The Impssible Planet/The Satan Pit
#4 Silence In The Library/Forrest Of The Dead
#5 Army Of Ghosts/Doomsday
#6 Planet Of The Ood
#7 The End Of Time
#8 Smith And Jones
#9 The Sound Of Drums/Last Of The Time Lords
#10 Midnight