Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Could John Hurt Be Playing A Future Doctor in Doctor Who 50th Anniversary

Digital Spy posted an excerpt of an interview with John Hurt talking about his role in the 50th Anniversary Special.  In the interview he refers to Matt Smith and David Tennant as previous Doctors. Is this a slip up or did he give something away.  Either way we will know soon enough but you can make up your own mind by reading the excerpt below.

"Of course you have to remember that the Doctors are all one person, so I'm not outside of that. I can't talk about it, but I will say I was really impressed when I did it… Both the previous doctors - Matt Smith and David Tennant - boy, are they good at it. Whoa-wee! They are so quick, and there's a huge amount of learning and no time to learn it in. All that fake scientific nonsense. Terribly difficult to learn."

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