Doctor Who:
Robot of Sherwood
By Mark Gatiss
“Shut it, Hoody!”
Being a fan of Robin Hood
I was somewhat lukewarm to the prospect of Doctor Who doing an episode centered
on him and Sherwood Forest and the overall Robin Hood legend. That and the
writer for this episode was Mark Gatiss who has been really hit or miss with
his stories. In Series 7 he wrote the good
“Cold War” and the very bad “The Crimson Horror.” So he now delivers to us his
next story “Robot of Sherwood” and from looking at the trailers it could be one
that could very well be uneventful and not all that good.
Well I have to say that I
surprisingly actually liked and enjoyed “Robot of Sherwood.” Robot of Sherwood was an episode that did
not take itself seriously and that is why it worked as a Doctor Who story. Sometimes Doctor Who has to be funny and light
hearted especially when you are going in the direction of being darker. Robot of Sherwood fit that bill very well and
it also wasn’t overly silly. Well maybe it was a tad silly. At times it felt like a Black Adder
episode. I could see Rowan Atkinson
doing the scenes in the dungeon where Robin Hood and The Doctor were chained to
each other. Those scenes were pretty
good and were performed really well by Peter Capaldi and Tom Riley. In fact this story was pretty funny and found
myself laughing through it a lot which doesn’t normally happen when you watch
Doctor Who and for it once it was ok to have a story this different and funny
and I am glad they tried something different again this week.
If you are a fan, as I am,
of the Errol Flynn “The Adventures of Robin Hood” which came out in 1938 you’ll
be happy to see a lot from that movie made it into this episode. Like the fight on the river and the archery
contest it was all there. If you’re going to do a Robin Hood episode you do
need to have some of his familiar exploits.
Even the fight at the end of with the Sheriff of Nottingham was sort of
in the same vein as the one from the Errol Flynn movie. I did like the sword fight at the
beginning. The Doctor using the spoon
and bragging on how he was trained by the best was pretty funny and you knew
how it would end up. It was funny seeing
The Doctor getting pushed into the water after beating Robin Hood with the
spoon. What shouldn’t go unnoticed is that
there is also a cameo by Patrick Troughton as Robin Hood from when he played
him in the 1953 TV series which in itself was pretty cool thing to see.
I could see “Robot of
Sherwood” fitting in the Tom Baker era. In fact it kind of reminded me of that
era when I was watching it. It had that
type of feel to it with the comedy and then seriousness. Especially when The Doctor is confronting the
Sheriff and trying to deduce his plans and saying a bunch of silly nonsense
that does not make sense and then figuring it out that is was nonsense. That was purely a 4th Doctor
moment. Plus just the way The Doctor
presented himself made it feel like a 4th Doctor story especially
with him bragging about Robin Hood not existing and then seeing the arrow go
into the TARDIS. It sure looked like
Peter Capaldi was channeling his inner Tom Baker.

Robot of Sherwood is a
story that I had low expectations going into and ending up enjoying it. It was a story that did not take it self all too
seriously and in the end it ended up being very entertaining and funny which
comes as a nice change of pace for Doctor Who.
Grade B +
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