Doctor Who:
The Bells of Saint John
By Steven Moffat
The Bells of Saint John
By Steven Moffat
“It’s a time machine. You
never have to wait for breakfast.”
So here we are the return
of Doctor Who after a little break and now we can look forward to new stories
for the next eight weeks. The Bells of
Saint John is the first one that starts off all the excitement and after all
the previews and interviews we now have had a chance to see the episode with
high hopes that it will be great. So did
the Bells of Saint John get the ball rolling and get our excitement meter on
high and greatly fuel our anticipation for the next seven stories or was it a
gutter ball and have all the fans doing a collective face palm giving us that
dreaded feeling of dismay that the next seven might not be up to snuff.
I really liked The Bells
of Saint John. At first after reading
the synopsis and watching the trailer with the villain being called Spoon heads
I did have my doubts. With Steven
Moffats track record lately you could see where I would be hesitant about The
Bells of Saint John but after watching the episode it seemed my fears were
The Bells of Saint John
starts off with a warning about the WIFI. A warning that something is in the
WIFI and if you click on the alien looking service you could be picked and then
have your soul downloaded into the computer.
I found this aspect of the story to be really creepy and a tad spooky as
it is something we use in everyday life more and more. We us WIFI for laptops, phone, tablets and
game consoles so it is everywhere and to have a way of getting to you through
the WIFI and capturing your essence was really freaky and cool at the same
time. I just loved that aspect
especially when you see all the faces on the screens on the wall which was just
chilling to see.

I did like the Spoonheads
as they are called. Those were pretty
freaky also as they look like people but once they turn their heads around they
zap you into the computer or I should say upload you. At first when I heard their names I just
rolled my eyes and thought how stupid is this going to be. Well they were all right and not as stupid as
I thought. They did have a creepy aspect
to them and I can see kids cowering when they watched them in action especially
when they came after Clara as the little girl from the book.

I did like the way the
story ended. It wasn’t all reset buttons
or sonic screwdriver solution either. It was The Doctor using his head and
coming up with a solution. I liked how
he used The Doctor Spoonhead against Miss Kizlet who is the main protagonist of
the story or so we thought. It was
pretty clever of The Doctor to use the Spoonhead version of himself and have it
fly up the side of the building in its anti grav bike. It was good to see their technology used
against them and being hacked into releasing all the captured souls. I was pretty satisfied with this and didn’t
feel cheated at all about it. The Bells
of Saint John has a very satisfying conclusion to a pretty good story.

So in all The Bells of
Saint John, or what really was the TARDIS phone, gets the
continuation of the Series 7 started on the right foot with a freaky but good
story to enjoy on repeated viewings.
Grade B+
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